sooo, its the new year soon! well, by western resolution is to save money better! i wonder if i'll keep it...i don't think so O__o
i wanted to do some over-decorated art for NYE, but i havent got my 500 pack of fake nails yet, and my own nails are just too small for impressive deco ^^ so i used this 'stardust' that i've been meaning to try out, actually i got it from an art store..
the stardust and gold bullions i used ^^ so, as you can see its white...but!! on the nail it turned out green...if i look close it is green gold and blue~ maybe it is just the base colour? i will try with other colours soon ^^
also the topcoat didnt make the glitter completely smooth...actually i wasnt expecting it to be smooth, so, not so surprise or let down much.. i thought to put more topcoat on but i dont think its necessary really ~
top coat on pinky, compared to no topcoat on ring looks a bit darker with the topcoat, but still so shimmery *o*
on to some camwhore!!
lamp light`

natural light~
oh i just spilled half my bottle of non-acetone remover TT will have to open all the doors to push out the smell~ yuck TT